It takes skill to keep your windows clean and sparkling. Laymance Services specializes in residential & commercial window washing and have been impressing Edmond residents for years. Maximizing the natural light that seeps into your home or office provides your space a fresh and bright feeling. Accessing the external sections of your windows can prove more challenging for unexperienced window washers.
Due to their increased exposure to pollen, debris, pests, grime, exhaust fumes, and other pollutants, the surfaces of your windows demand a thorough cleaning at least once or to twice a year. Our Edmond experts are willingly to take on this responsibility and make you a happy Laymance Services customer.
Your windows give you a peek to the outside world and they deserve a good washing from time to time. Cleaning the outer sections of your windows that do not open can get complicated without professional window cleaning services. The window’s height can pose a safety concern, plus you may need special window washing equipment to accomplish this task.
So, why bother with all these complications when Laymance Services can offer you the most practical window washing solutions? We will organize your window cleaning down to the last detail and you can trust Laymance Services trained Edmond professionals to execute your window cleaning job seamlessly, whether it is your residential or commercial property.
When you outsource your window washing project to Laymance Services, the steps we follow to wash your windows from the outside will include:
We Consider the Weather Forecast: Laymance Services prefers a relatively cooler day over a hot and sunny one to carry out your window washing. When the sun is too strong, the cleaning solution dries to quickly on your glass surfaces, leaving behind an ugly film.
Our Edmond window cleaners are then forced to work faster, which is not advisable considering the safety aspects that come with washing high windows. Cooler and even cloudy days give Laymance Services washers sufficient time to clean the assigned windows more efficiently.
Handling the Surrounding Area with Care: To prevent damage to any of your flowerpots, vehicles, garden furniture, and other movable items in the vicinity of the corresponding windows we will temporarily relocate. Also whenever possible, our Edmond experts will also carefully remove screen or shutter installations to access your windowpanes better to ease their cleaning process.
Laymance Services experts also believe in proactively keeping the surrounding area bare to rule out any unforeseen damages. This way we can freely access the designated windows, and it also provides efficiency for the work at hand. It will also make our job more achievable in a timely manner. Moreover, utmost care is always taken to ensure there is no damage to your property.
Prepared with the Appropriate Gear: Before commencing your residential or commercial window washing project, our team of experts will visit your property to assess and write up a plan. Depending on how far above the ground your windows are placed, Edmond expert window cleaners need to decide on a ladders or extendable poles. Also, which buckets, and gentle cleaning solutions are needed to commence having all the right gear on the day of service.
Laymance Services always wants to be equipped with the necessary gear to undertake the window washing surfaces that are not easily reachable. For very high windows, we depend on a ladder with anti-slip pads for added safety. Our extendable poles with a mop positioned at the end can easily reach first-floor windowpanes. Being prepared is always at the top of our priority list.
You can always depend on Edmonds Laymance Services certified and insured window cleaning experts to be practical, effective, and provide you with safe window washing solutions. Never being reckless, we also resort to our high-quality techniques that guarantee unbelievably impressive results every time. Call us today for your free quote!
Cleaning That Guarantees Satisfaction
Internal and External Cleaning
Unlike a regular window cleaner, we know that both its external and internal sections deserve cleaning for this provision to truly sparkle. Exterior cleaning is a risky proposition for most, but our technicians achieve the same without compromising safety aspects.
Removal of Stubborn Stains
Grime and dust left unattended on your windows for considerable time firmly latches onto the corresponding surfaces. Our seasoned Edmond pros are familiar with pressurized cleaning techniques that work on stubborn stains. Laymance Services believes in a more comprehensive clean. We encourage our workers to rid the surfaces adjoining your windows of similar staining proactively.
Track Cleaning
Windows, especially the sliding variety, have tracks to facilitate ease of movement. We resort to specialized equipment to eliminate the rubbish build- up along these tracks. Before undertaking your window cleaning, we inspect every related aspect and apply a workable solution. Extra care is taken when scrubbing glass panels that demand a delicate touch.
Once you secure a window cleaning appointment, our capable representatives will take over. When you hire Laymance Services, we will help eliminate any damage to your windows and property with our professional techniques. We are confident that once you experience our window cleaning services first-hand, you will want to schedule this as a reoccurring service from us. Our window washing technicians take pride in providing your windows a wash you deserve.